
Out with the Old and In with the New!

It’s a new year full of possibilities!
To achieve a prosperous 2010, I recommend that you accomplish three important tasks within the next 30 days:

GET RID OF THE OLD (what’s not working for you)
This is very important. You have to feel good about what you are doing and how you are doing it. If you are not getting any closer to your goals or your daily practices are not flowing comfortably for you; then it's time to step back, identify what is off the mark and....fix it!
This also goes for how much you are spending in order to achieve results. Make sure that your return on investment is worth what you are paying for in vendor services such as ecommerce, web designers, mailing systems, phones and where you purchase your business supplies. Take a long look at your business spending, and then do some price comparisons. With the state of the economy, you’d be surprised at how many vendors have lowered their service fees on new contracts.

ADD MORE OF THE NEW (what is working for you)
I’m sure you have established business strategies that bring in the dollars and you feel comfortable carrying them out. These awesome strategies need to be nurtured in order for them to maintain your business. You need to do more of what is working. Example: If you seem to get more clients by social media networking, then you need to fine tune your social media skills and expand your online presence. If you find that conducting live workshops brings you more clients, then you should conduct regularly scheduled events. Whatever is working for you…plan to do more of it during the year.

Yes, just one terrific and practical goal. Effective goal planning requires that you have a single goal in mind, and that you plan your way to that objective.
This doesn't mean you have to do something really huge or impressive. It just means that it's time to really go to work. Set one practical goal for the year, and then put yourself on an action schedule. Design each action to directly get you one step closer to achieving your annual goal. Commit to moving towards your goal step by step throughout 2010.

I’m ending with one of my favorite New Year quotes:
“We spend January walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives, not looking for flaws, but for potential.” Ellen Goodman