Today was my first day back to my well planned schedule of balancing working at home with living at home. My husband, Ed, took a holiday vacation that lasted for 2 ½ weeks --which in turn threw my schedule off for 2 ½ weeks. Don’t get me wrong, it was wonderful seeing him finally get some much needed rest and I did enjoy having him home during the day for a change, however, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can only be happily productive in my home office when I’m the only alpha dog in the house!
As the returning alpha dog, today I started the morning with a cinnamon roll and an ice cold Coca-Cola, then spent the afternoon re-connecting with business colleagues by phone while dusting, mopping and rocking out to alternative music. Ahhhh, I think I’m Zen again! My 7 year-old son, Evan joyously slept in, played video games, read books, watched TV and occasionally jumped for joy because he still has a few more days of holiday vacation remaining before school starts a again.
What I learned today:
FaceBook seems to be the way to go if you are trying to build a bigger online presence.
I’m going to create my account tomorrow. Look me up, okay?
I tried a “Get Paid to Read Emails” site about a month ago to see if it really works and it does. I got a $30 dollar check in the mail today. Not a lot of money, but its $30 more than what I had yesterday. I put a link at the bottom right corner of this blog…just in case you want to try it out too.
Cinnamon rolls and ice old Coca-Cola too early in the morning makes your tummy bubbly! Sigh, it was worth it. My alpha position has been re-activated!
Wishing You Good Health and Prosperity~