Chapter Eight: “The Science of Success: Plant the Good Seeds”
Chapter Selection: “ …When you give the world love and respect, the world will give you love and respect in return. When you give the world negativity and contempt, the world is going to return that negativity to you.”
This has been a touchy subject among quite a few of Moms Making Money Premier Members. They want to plant good seeds but they are worried about being too giving. I’m always asked during my talks, “What if I give too much? People can take advantage of me and I could lose money!” I always reply “Just be fair, honest and smart in all that you do-- then you won’t have to worry.” After years of mistakes and straying from my core beliefs for the interest of few more dollars, I now use my homemade check list before I start any new project or venture:
Is it:
--Right for me and everyone that I will be serving (my core market)
--Sincere, straight-forward and easy to comprehend
--Unique, meaningful and empathetic to those I will be serving (my core market)
--An opportunity to expand and improve within my field of business
--A pathway to increase my business visibility and/or revenue
I must say that since I have been using this checklist; I have not made another knuckle-headed mistake regarding the growth of my business. (smile)
Chapter Selection….Just as your actions have to be positive, the services you provide to the world also have to be positive if you want to reap any lasting professional success. A lot of things you can sell will create temporary happiness and success, but to be truly happy, you have to give things of lasting value.”
Try not to get caught up in fast results. Instead, look for permanent results.
Chapter Selection “… Every religion and culture around the globe teaches a version of this law. It’s truly a universal concept. That’s why no matter what you look like, where you live, or what flag you stand under (or what business you are in), this law applies to you—you’re only going to get out of the world what you put in it”
Do You!: 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success