
I Network Best in My Pajamas

My favorite thing about working from home is…I really do work from home. My career does not require me to leave the house in order for me to make an income. No home parties, formal meetings with clients or visiting other properties for contract jobs. Pretty neat, huh? Then I guess it wouldn’t be a surprise to you that I also do 98% of my business networking online as well. Go figure. I network mostly online, not because I choose to, but because my weekly schedule is full. So instead of being frustrated about not being able to attend events, I just do what I do best; find what I’m looking for on the Internet.

I want to share my favorite social networking sites and why I personally use them:

The first one is LinkedIn
LinkedIn is very professional and has a “big business” feel to it. A little stuffy for my groove, but I still enjoy it because it really does validate me as a professional. My profile reads like a resume and most of my LinkedIn connections are still in the corporate world or have just transitioned into the entrepreneurial world. This is definitely my market, but what I really love about LinkedIn is the recommendation section. As we all know, satisfied customers are the best source for new customers. Word of mouth referrals on LinkedIn are published on my public profile page and will also broadcast to my entire LinkedIn network. Cool Beans!

The second one is Twitter
Quick blurbs are definitely my style. I usually have about 15 minutes or so to do any one thing throughout the day, so Twitter really comes in handy. I like to quickly share a quote or how my day is evolving. I have been told by some that people may not care to know what I’m up to during the day. But this is what I think is so cool about Twitter; only the people who “do” care to know what I’m up to will choose to follow me. Plus I honestly feel it’s beneficial to connect with my contacts and find commonalities outside of our business relationships. Sometimes doing business requires connecting with someone on a different or deeper level in order to gain their permanent attention. So if one of my contacts likes tacos; that would be a really important fact for me to know. I love tacos! Now our taco conversations will kickoff the opportunity to get to know each other -- before we talk business. What a novel concept.

The third one and my absolute favorite is Facebook
Uh huh! This is my groove for sure. The main reason I left the corporate life behind is because it wasn’t fun. I do not believe you have to be stuffed in your control tops with your head buried in a pile of paper in order be a professional. Professionals are very creative mammals and need minimal to no supervision to get jobs done. I like to play alternative rock, drink root beer and kick my shoes off when I work hard. This is when I’m at my creative best. Networking is pure F.U.N. on Facebook! Just by playing games, sharing pictures, jokes, personal thoughts and business tips, I have picked up more devoted clients and vendors than I ever did at any in-person networking group... But that’s just me.

There are thousands of reasons to dive into the social media networking world for your business. The main reason I recommend it is because it works. However, I also advise that you embrace your own style while networking online. Otherwise, you won’t have any fun…which is the whole point!

May God continue to Bless You with Peace and Prosperity!