
In Season

WEEKLY WAHMIE (Work-at-Home Mom's Inspiration and Encouragement)

"Stuff comes to those who wait, but it's usually the glitter dust left by those who hustle"


A really good friend and colleague told me a few years back that we live in seasons. It was comforting to hear since she was just entering into the "empty- nest" season and I my little egg had just hatched! She had a bit more time to build a successful business, where as I deemed myself successful if I got a shower that day.  We were definitely in different seasons. And though we built our respective businesses in ways that fit our dissimilar lifestyles, we both grew our businesses at the same rate.  She grew her business by her offline marketing efforts and I kept up the pace at home by focusing on online marketing.

Things are not standing in our way.  What we see are challenging circumstances standing so close in front us that they appear to be blocking our paths.  It can be blinding at times, but let's remember that it's just an illusion. If we look around the circumstance, we will find that our paths are clear.

If there are things that appear to be standing in your way, the wait for another season to come along and take care of those obstacles could be a long one. No matter what season you find yourself in, you won't reach your goals if you don't do something.... anything to achieve them! Don't wait.  Start today with one small step towards your goals.