
Lessons for You from the Book “Do You” by Russell Simmons

Chapter Four: Stop Frontin’ and Start Today

Selection: “…If you wait for “Someday”, you’re going to be waiting for a very long time. But once you start today, you’ll find that success is much closer than you ever imagined. In fact the day you start, you are already a step closer….”

“Stop frontin” is an urban slang which means: To create a front or false appearance intended to protect oneself from the reality of a situation.

In order to achieve success you must first stop allowing everything and anything to get in your way. Stalling, or procrastination, is your fear making decisions for you. Stalling is always easier than actually starting and committing to a goal. But keep in mind, procrastination will most certainly block you from your destination.

Selection: “…right now is the only time that there is. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow never comes. Whatever you need to do in life, start it today.”

These words have given me inspiration to move forward in my business regardless of my husband’s illness. I realize that by waiting for life to improve or get easier puts me in a permanent waiting stage. I have given myself the gift of the freedom to pursue any opportunity on the day it presents itself.

Do You!: 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success